Sunday, June 01, 2008

Where to start....

This has been a crazy week with the grandchildren
and sickness! All four of them have had colds and/or
ear infections and/or allergy symptoms and/or a virus. Poor things!
We found that Sydney's body thinks her virus is
an allergen and so has been having allergic reactions to that!
Megan had nice cold symptoms on Saturday - coughing,
sneezing and running nose. We decided to take her to a restaurant
for dinner up in St. Clair. Bad idea she thought - and cried and
screamed until we agreed with her. We did finally get out to
dinner - at KFC and she thought that was a great idea! ;-)
Today Sydney was actually inadvertantly given something
that she is very allergic to - milk. She did not get more
than 1/2 teaspoon and that was all it took. Her body
immediately realized it was a poison to her and she began
to throw up. Lots! Michelle had to administer the
epi-pen and then they all headed off to the hospital.
Scarry!!! But in the end no other treatment was needed
since her body did such a good job of ridding itself of the milk.
Michelle and Mark are more careful with these allergies
than anyone I have ever seen. God certainly
had His protective arms around them today and they were able
to do what had to be done and get her to the hospital.
Sydney did tell us that Mommy had poked her and she didn't
like it. Tonight as Michelle put her to bed Sydney told her
that she was scared today at the hospital.
The Patterson Clan has never been faced with so many
"bumps in life"
as we have in the past year!
Believe me - you don't want me spelling out all the stuff
but I do have to say that God has been there for us
through every step of the way!
He is Good!

1 comment:

Joelle Lynn said...

wow what a scare with Sydney hope all is well today!