Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some Tiger Game pics

Here we are at Comerica Park to watch the Tigers play!
And play they did - we won!
This picture was taken almost as we came through the gates -
Sydney did not like Paws at all!

A picture of Grandmama with Sydney and Kaitlyn -
looking so cute in their Tiger clothes!
This was Kaitlyn's first Tiger game -
and she picked a hot one!
We had great seats (maybe 4 rows up from the field next
to the Tiger dugout by 3rd base) but the
sun was way too hot and sunny for little
Kaitlyn's fair skin!
Notice the red cheeks on Grandmama - looks like she was not
handling it either!
We took the girls up by the baseball Ferris wheel in the
picnic area - we could watch the game in the shade!
We had a great time - Thank you Michelle & Mark!

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Looks like you all had a great day at the game. Your grandbabies are beautiful. Your whole family is beautiful...they must take after grandma! Will you be at ordination at family camp?