Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When it Rains...

When it pours!

As I try to recoup - our daughter Kari is in the hospital! Kari is due in August and suddenly has terrible pains - she suspects a bladder infection. No, that would be too easy - seems it is maybe kidney stones! They have done a couple of ultrasounds on the kidneys (baby is fine) and may do a procedure tomorrow. She is on pain meds too. Only one "attack" today - but if you touch her in the kidney area she is jumping! Please pray for her - and also for Megan (who spent the night with Aunt Michelle and then has been at Grandma Shirley's house) and for Rich too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom -

Last I heard it may be Kari's uterus pushing down on the tube that goes from the kidney(s) to the bladder. Guess we'll find out more when the doctor is done reading through the tests. :-)

Feel better yourself! We need for everyone to be healthy! :-)

Luv - Michelle