Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our granddaughter is SO smart!!!

Our granddaughter, Kaitlyn, age 8 1/2 months,
is so very, very smart!
Take a picture of Kaitlyn and she will be smiling!
Mention pat-a-cake and she is ready to play!
Wave bye-bye and she waves back (most of the time...)
Now she knows what to do in case of emergency!
Michelle got home from work today to see the police
driving away from her house.
Never a good sign!!!
She got inside to hear the story...
Kaitlyn was on the floor playing and the
cordless phone was nearby.
She must have been listening
as Mark & Michelle have been
teaching almost 3 year old Sydney
to dial 911 in case of emergency.
Kaitlyn managed to actually
turn the phone on and dial 911
without any help!
How smart!
And then continued to play and babble
to the 911 operator!
When the doorbell rang and Mark found
a Macomb County Deputy Sherriff there
he was a little puzzled.
The officer asked if everything was
okay and Mark said yes.....
The officer explained that someone was on
the phone with 911 and they just
wanted to be sure everything was okay.
What a hoot!!!
Bet the phone won't be quite so available
to her in the future!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Nancy Grace will get hold of this call! How cute!.... but then again thank goodness for Mark that Megan wasn't there with a bandaid on her head.... haha

Doreen said...

this is a cute story!