Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Megan's turn!

Megan will be 3 on Sunday!
Already! Where does the time go!!??
The night before her first birthday she fell
hitting her head on the wood on the front
of their sofa. Tonight - she fell again hitting
her head on the wood on the front of
their sofa! First time was a
nice bruise and goose egg. Tonight
was a nice bruise and a trip to the hospital.
Doc said it needed about 5 or 6 stitches
or some glue.
They chose the glue!
That little girl is always on the move -
hoping she will slow down just a little!
Grandma doesn't like the kiddies getting hurt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Meggie, give her a hug and kiss from Auntie... and move that wood from in front of the sofa!