Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ear Tubes - Second time

We found out yesterday that Sydney will need to have her ear tubes replaced - one was gone and the other on its way out. Plus an ear infection. Surgery will be on Monday, February 18 at the new Macomb Beaumont.

Sydney was thrilled about getting to go the doctor (Kaitlyn has been a few times for her baby checks and Sydney figured it was her turn for some attention). She told her daddy that it was her doctor and not his. When they called her name she jumped up and followed the tech down the hallway. She went into the room - enjoyed a glass of water and was practicing saying "Hello Dr. Becker" (except it was coming out Hello Dr. Pecker - haha). As soon as the doctor entered the room she took one look and decided she had already had enough. Crying began. Mommy holding her down with the help of a nurse and Daddy trying to help as he could too. Whew - she was glad when that was over. Took her sucker and went home.

So we know this will be more traumatic than it was the first time around - obviously she knows a little more about you are not my mommy and daddy and get me out of here! So please remember her in your prayers - that she not be too traumatized (remember not only does she have sensory issues that cloud her processing sometimes but she is female and 2 years old also!) and that the tubes go in and stay in until they are no longer needed.


Denise and Gerry DeVirgilis said...

I am sure she will be just fine when all this is over with.... by the time she is 18 she won't even remember it other than in the stories she will be told... or if she reads grandmama's blog! Prayers for Sydney, the dr's and for Mommy & Daddy too!

Joelle Lynn said...

Micah has had three~ and it seems the third time is the charm BUT I will be praying! It is traumatic for the parents more so than the child:)