Sunday, December 09, 2007

Not ready to come home yet

Kaitlyn did not get to come home today (Sunday) as planned. During the night she lost her body heat again along with 2 ounces - which puts her under 5 pounds again. It seems her issues with controling heat are due to the placenta/umbilical cord problems. While they will continue to run tests, we think it may just be a matter of time until she can build herself up enough to be able to grow the heat containing "fats" that our body needs to self-regulate.
Here is a picture of Kaitlyn and Michelle after a diaper change. She was 5 days old here. She was out for the change and picture and then back with not only her hat (thanks to the great volunteers and nurses who knit/crochet/quilt hats and blankets for these special care babies) but her booties and 2 blankets too. You know the old saying - snug as a bug in a rug!

We do appreciate all your prayers for Michelle, Mark, Sydney, Kaitlyn and Grandmama and Papa too!
Enjoy life,
Russ and Karla


Anonymous said...

What a cute picture!

Denise and Gerry DeVirgilis said...

She sure does look alert! I agree with Kim... cute picture! She is like her great auntie.... if the temp is less than 70 outside then it is too cold to go out!