Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Steal One - Get Three Free!

This has NOT been the best of days!
We found out this morning that someone broke into Contractors Connection overnight - they thought it would be a good idea to "Steal 1 and Get 3 Free" with our cement power buggy's. I'm being nice - actually they stole at least 4 power buggy's. We're still doing inventory to see if anything else is missing. This is a picture of what they look like.
This is one of two places in the fencing that they cut to go through. They went through the Mammoth Baptist Church lot and cut their way into the back yard. They broke into that trailer that you see on the left. Cut through the lock. They broke out the flood lights - I guess these people work better in the dark!

They cut the lock on the snowmobile trailer that is stored there also. Took all the keys to the sleds. The other place where the fence was cut was near that trailer. Pretty sure they planned to come back for the whole trailer.

Things could be worse - this is just a pain!
We thank God that no one was injured - Russ is there late at night many nights and that has always been a worry for me.
Of course police reports have been made. You always wonder though, who would do such a thing?!
Enjoy life - God is Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this happened. With the baby and all this had to have been a real pain!! Any news since? We were in Florida when this happened. We are going to try to get my mother to spend the winter with Reba who is anxious to go home but not safe to be by herself. Kathy