Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Can't believe I am this old - when I was the age of my kids I thought of this age as REALLY old! Now I have to say that I didn't know much way back then! I am actually a quite young old person! ;-)

I still look in the mirror and am surprised when a blonde chick in her early 30's does not look back at me! I know I don't have the same energy I had when my kids were in elementary school - but I do pretty good chasing around with three grandchildren under two years old. I think I do pretty good at running and doing for my dad and stepmom - they are not so good at the stairs anymore! If I go up or down the stairs once a day you can figure I will do it about 40 more times before bed.

Russ had a "vacation day" today - he skipped church and went to Carnival of Cars. It is really the only time during the summer when he can just get away and enjoy. After returning home he gave me a very pretty diamond necklace - a big surprise!

I went to church this morning - it was Pastor Ed's last day with us at CWC. When he came to join us he made the comment that he wanted to be the one Youth Pastor to stay the longest - and I understand he did that. (Others have come as Youth Pastors and then gone on to other positions in the church.) We will sure miss his excitement and love for the teens. We do appreciate Pastor Jason who is taking over as Youth Pastor - he has had good teachers!

Russ and I were glad to be able to attend the graduation party for Kirsten Zeiter today too. Cannot believe that she has graduated - we met her when she was two months old - at a child care center where I was working. Each of our kids have babysat for Kirsten at one time or another. She has always just been part of our family - and we love her and her mom too!

Later Kari and Megan came by - we went out for ice cream and then had pizza.

A nice relaxing day!

Enjoy life!



Anonymous said...

You're still young...and still a pretty blonde chick. :) We love you and think you do a great job at keeping up with EVERYTHING!!! All of us "kids" are proud to call you mom. Thanks for all you do, for all you've taught us, and for being YOU. :) Love you - Kim

Joelle Lynn said...

If I look half as good as you I ill be happy.....