Thursday, March 30, 2006

57 years and 1 day

Russ celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday. We had a family celebration on Sunday with all the family and yesterday friends from the U.P. came for dinner and brought him a lemon birthday cake. Russ got lots of phone calls, cards and e-cards. He kept saying how do all these people know it is my birthday - they must have good memories because I did not "spread the word" this year.

Today was a great day - I had both Megan and Sydney here for the day while Kari and Michelle were at work. We took our first walk with the twin stroller - almost 2 miles. Both fell asleep - so they missed hearing grandma huff and puff as she finished the walk. They managed to share toys and grandma too - they actually do seem to enjoy each other already. Sure hope that continues through all their lives! The only thing that could have made it more special was if Karsten had joined us - he is such a cutie!

I also got to talk to Betty Ingram today. She had received some pictures I had sent her of the kids. She enjoyed seeing the resemblances of the babies to their mothers. She reminded me again of how much we all meant to both her and Louis - and I had to remind her of how much the two of them meant to us through the years.

Only 43 days now until the wedding! Sure hope to have beautiful weather for that day! There will be an outdoor ceremony followed by appetizers and a beautiful dinner inside at Twin Lakes Golf Club. Everything seems to be falling into place!

Enjoy life!

Russ and Karla

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