Had such high hopes for my day today!
Was going to change the light bulb in my
office. Was going to dump all the potted plants
outside today - winter is coming. Was going
to clean some of the house! Was going to do
a lot of things - things that really do not much
matter in the whole scheme of things.
Instead I answered the phone call that changed
everything - again.
My step-mom Karen was found this morning in her
car - apparent heart attack that probably
happened yesterday early afternoon.
This was totally unexpected. So hard with
unexpected deaths - so hard to expect death
and watch it happen. Death is just hard for those
of us left behind. But for the one who just
breathed their last - it is not so hard if you know
that you know that you know. And Karen did.
I know that she is in Heaven now - I know
that she has met our Savior - I know that
both Roger and my Dad met her at the gates -
I know that she is in a much better place.
I will be in FL tomorrow with my sister and brother
and we will reminisce about the good times
and the bad and then we will forget the bad
and move on. Just like we had to do when our mom
passed on and when our dad passed on.
Karen is in a good place - and we will all
see her again someday.
We loved you Karen - warts and all -
just as you loved all of us - warts and all!